[Swedish] Stora Enso Fors Bruk har investerat i två kompletta PulpEye-system
Stora Enso Fors Bruk har investerat i två kompletta PulpEye online analyssystem, inklusive modulerna CrillEye och ExtractEye, liksom uppgradering av ett befintligt system. Som grund för den investeringen ligger behovet av att ersätta gammal analysutrustning på CTMP-linjerna samt att få god kontroll på fiberegenskaper och massakvalitén för kartongmaskin 2. Dessutom hoppas Stora Enso Fors Bruk […]PulpEye unit sold to SCA R&D Centre
SCA R&D Centre has bought a PulpEye unit with an inbuilt CrillEye unit. It replaces their present fibre analyser equipment. The equipment will be used in their product development as well as in the project “Improved fines material control” where SCA, Mid Sweden University and PulpEye are project partners. It is a project in the […]PulpEye participated at China International Paper
PulpEye recently participated at the ”2014 China International Paper Technology Exhibition and Conference” fair in Shanghai. It gave many interesting contacts with representatives from the Chinese pulp and paper industry. “The exhibition is better compared to the last one in Beijing 2013,” says Anthony Shum, Regional Manager, China & Taiwan for Elof Hansson. “We met […]