Holmen Paper’s Hallsta mill is the biggest PulpEye user in the world
The Hallsta Paper Mill, a part of Holmen Paper business area, is located about 100 kilometres north of Stockholm. The mill has two paper machines producing TMP based paper for various end-use segments, e.g. books and magazines. “The Hallsta Paper Mill has a long history with PulpEye and they bought their first equipment already in […]
PulpEye overcomes pandemic obstacles with a special service package
To minimise the spread of Covid-19, mills are very restrictive to receive visitors unless critical to mill production. On top of that, several travel restrictions are in place and even changing from time to time which makes personal visits very difficult. PulpEye has therefore created a special service package including weekly follow-ups on remote basis […]
PulpEye analyser successfully in operation at Millar Western Whitecourt
The Canadian BCTMP and lumber producer Millar Western has installed a PulpEye system to its Whitecourt pulp mill. The delivery consists of analyser modules for CSF, fibre dimensions, shives, brightness and crill. This is the ninth PulpEye installation in Canada showing that PulpEye technology is well established in the Canadian pulp industry. Millar Western’s Whitecourt […]
Press Release Major PulpEye order from Iggesund
PulpEye received its second biggest order ever when Iggesund paperboard bought two complete PulpEye sets, one for the unbleached and one for the bleached pulps. Both PulpEye cabinets are equipped with modules for online analysis of kappa number, brightness, fibre, shives and fibre wall thickness as well as the dot analyser DotEye. The order also […]PulpEye No. 50 bought by Ahlstrom-Munksjö Aspa Bruk
PulpEye has now reached the milepost of 50 units sold as Ahlstrom-Munksjö Aspa Bruk in Sweden invests in a PulpEye system for pulp analyses online. Bleached and unbleached kraft pulp is produced at the Aspa mill and the PulpEye they have acquired contains modules for determination and measuring of kappa number, brightness, dots and pH. […]Den femtionde PulpEye enheten har köpts av Aspa Bruk
Nu har milstolpen femtio sålda PulpEye passerats i och med att Ahlstrom-Munksjö Aspa Bruk investerar i ett PulpEye system för massaanalyser online. I Aspa tillverkas blekta och oblekta kraftmassor och den PulpEye som köpts innehåller moduler för bestämning av mätning av kappatal, ljushet, prickar och pH. – Det är fantastiskt roligt att vi nu sålt […]
2017 will be all-time high for PulpEye analyser sales!
Year 2017 is forecasted to be yet another all-time high for PulpEye. 2016 was successful as regards sales of PulpEye online pulp analysers. Never before has so many orders for PulpEye modules been placed. 2017 will be even better! “It is really fantastic that we have recently sold PulpEye equipment to customers in Europe, North […]